I don’t expect the books to arrive until June 20th, but I will read a few passages from my manuscript at a VFP fundraising event on June 11th, 6-9pm at the Metanoia Peace House, 2116 NE 18th Ave., Portland, Oregon. Here is the event flyer with more details:
Brian- Just got the press release from OAAOM asking for help along your journey. I am in Coos Bay and plan to be at your talk at he North Bend Library the 30th. I can offer some assistance for you tired body if you would like or not. I am an Acupuncturist and my partner is a massage therapist so be in contact about timing. Thur is our day off from the clinic so we can arrange to meet if you need nurturing. Anyway, I am excited to hear of this trip. I am a Vietnam war resister and managed to keep outa that mess by breaking my back at the age of 20. Stephen Procunier
541-267-2142 (office and leave a message)
Brian, I remember very clearly your courageous stand. Man versus train. I turned 20 in 1964 and remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident well. The next day I was a war resister. In June, 1967, I was attacked by a police officer at the Century Plaza Hotel protesting President Johnson who was inside. “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” was our chant. Then, in what the LA Times referred to as a police riot, they came at us. I was badly beaten, arrested on trumped up charges, and faced prison time. I was defended by the ACLU. At my trial, the case was thrown out by the judge. The DA was really pissed. He came up to me and said “Do you know that there is not another attorney in this country who could have gotten you off.” I wish I remember his name.
All of this pales when compared to the sacrifice you made. I can only say that I tip my hat to you. Bravery does not even begin to describe your life fully, and you continue the cause today. Thank you.
In my little town of 5,000, Calistoga CA, I continue to work for peace. I am the managing director of the Andree Wagner Peace Trust, but also a voice for peace in this community that will not be silenced. You inspire me to keep the faith.
Peace to you.
Joe Bob Hitchcock