The books have arrived!

For weeks Brian has been thinking and talking about when his book was to be at the printer, estimated printing and shipping dates, and wondering if he would have books in hand in time for the beginning of his book tour. Yesterday his publisher, Ramsey, at PM Press, confirmed that the first three boxes had been shipped and were due to be delivered today by UPS. About half past three, Pedro, our dog, happened to be out in the yard and got my attention by barking the way he always does when the UPS truck is on our street. I saw the truck round the corner and alerted Brian and we both greeted the delivery guy at our driveway. Our friend Mike Hastie happened to be visiting, and he and I both ran to get our cameras so we could record the moment. Here’s a few of my shots.

Books being delivered by UPS

UPS guy brings the books in with our handtruck.


opening the box

Brian immediately opens a box

examining a book

Brian examines a book

brian holding book

Finally! Eight years in the making!

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One Response to The books have arrived!

  1. Anne T says:

    Wonderful news! Congratulations!